€3,25 EUR


BLACK TOURMALINE chips sold in 100 g bags

Black Tourmaline is part of the Tourmaline family. It is also known as Schorl and is a style of silicate crystal. It is commonly found in trigonal crystal systems and is made up of Sodium Iron Aluminum Borate Silicate. The stone is black. Black Tourmaline means grounding and protection.

  • An inky black stone
  • Swallows negative energy
  • Transforms anxious feelings 
  • Found in Saxon Germany in the year 

Begone, Negative Energy!

Product Specification  

 Tourmaline is the most colorful of all gemstones. It occurs in all colors, but pink, red, green, blue, and multicolored are its most well-known gem colors. Scientifically, tourmaline is not a single mineral, but a group of minerals related in their physical and chemical properties. The mineral Elbaite is a member of the Tourmaline group that is responsible for almost all the gem varieties. Three other members of the group - Schorl, Dravite, and Liddicoatite, are seldom used as gemstones.

Metaphysical properties claims

Black Tourmaline is deeply connected to the base chakras, those earthly roots that help you to feel safe and secure in your place upon this earth. When your root chakras are beautifully balanced and in check, this grants you that deep-seated self-confidence to embrace who you are, speak your truth, and set upon your own path to spiritual healing. And Black Tourmaline can pave the way.

Black Tourmaline is associated with the birthstone that represents the dark nights closing in. As an October birthstone, Black Tourmaline is a match for Libras and Scorpios but is also incredibly well suited to Capricorns. 

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